
The Dark Light

Those silent tears, buried beneath
those hidden pains, feelings that
have no sensations.
Piling a solid ice that does not melt
Does not melt because of the fear,
Fear of having not accepted,
Fear of loosing oneself, though it has.

The tears then become iceberg and
prick the ocean of the heart.
When it melts it erupts,
Not only erupts, but gives
rise to a light-The Dark Light
the cave of darkness then shreds tears
calms the pain, escorting light
to leave no marks of darkness
and yet be called The Dark Light.


Sometimes they always spoke
Their speech to spread needed no smoke
They thought that gossip was a joke
In no minute relationships broke

People are such kind in many folks
Like a seed that water soaks
And when sprouts out, has another looks
Cannot understand them, not open books.

Materialistic attract man
Remember naturals if you can
Applies sunscreen for his tan
Money calls and there man ran.

Ask him to walk with a rich person,
It gives him thousand watt smile and fun
When it comes to shoot from a poor gunHis thoughts sets down, saying he is not his son.

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